Social Justice


Organización basada en Guatemala que crea obras originales de temas sociales y ambientales. La misión de Cosmovision es la comunicación social para transformar la realidad consolidando el respeto a los derechos de los pueblos y el respeto a la naturaleza. Para este proposito se utiliza educacion popular, entretenimiento, investigación social, y producción de materiales educativos con la participacion de los actores en el proceso de creación. 

Guatemalan organization that produces original works with environmental and social themes. Cosmovisión's mission is to transform reality through social communication, consolidating respect for nature and people's rights. To do this, they use popular education, entertainement, social investigation, and production of educational materials that have been created through participatory approaches. 

Defensa y conservación de los Manglares de Tulate, Retalhuleu Guatemala. Realizado por Sergio Lopez. 

GOOD Magazine


 GOOD is an integrated media platform that promotes, connects, and reports on the individuals, businesses, and non-profits who want to live well and do good. Good produces a website, a quarterly magazine, and online video content covering a variety of topics, including the environment, education, urban planning, design, food, politics, culture, and health. GOOD's mission is to provide content, experiences, and utilities to serve this community. Launched in September 2006, the company has garnered praise for its unique editorial perspective and fresh visual aesthetic and is quickly positioning itself as a significant new voice in our culture.

What should be the role of the United States' prison system? GOOD's Alex Gorosh explores the issue, in verse. Listen closely.