
Movimiento Agroecológico de América Latina y el Caribe (MAELA)

Movimiento Agroecológico de América Latina y el Caribe (MAELA)

MAELA representa a cientos de miles de campesinos-as, agricultores familiares, y pueblos indígenas que sostienen desde sus organizaciones y territorios sistemas agroalimentarios sanos, seguros y soberanos para alimentar a nuestros pueblos.

World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF)

Sometimes called "Willing Workers On Organic Farms", WWOOF is a network of national organisations that facilitate placement of volunteers on organic farms. WWOOFing aims to provide volunteers with first-hand experience in organic and ecologically sound growing methods, to help the organic movement, and to let volunteers experience life in a rural setting or a different country. WWOOF volunteers ('WWOOFers') generally do not receive financial payment. The host provides food, accommodation, and opportunities to learn, in exchange for assistance with farming or gardening activities. A fantastic way to spend your time abroad and meet great people while traveling on a budget. Highly recommended!

Below is the trailer to the upcoming documentary about the organization.

Yes! Magazine

Yes! Magazine

YES! Magazine reframes the biggest problems of our time in terms of their solutions. Online and in print, we outline a path forward with in-depth analysis, tools for citizen engagement, and stories about real people working for a better world.

Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS)

Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS)

The mission of the Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems (CASFS or the Center) is to research, develop, and advance sustainable food and agricultural systems that are environmentally sound, economically viable, socially responsible, nonexploitative, and that serve as a foundation for future generations.

The One Straw Revolution

The One Straw Revolution

Call it “Zen and the Art of Farming” or a “Little Green Book,” Masanobu Fukuoka’s manifesto about farming, eating, and the limits of human knowledge presents a radical challenge to the global systems we rely on for our food.